Online help is a continuously updated section of the website.
In this first phase I will go to get the closed tickets on SourceForge and I will turn them into support sections.
If there were any special requests you can open a ticket on SourceForge (see below how to do it).
Any help is always welcome to make this guide a reference point for those who want to use BeeBEEP.
This help is on a single page. You can use the search function on your browser (usually activated with
CTRL+F) to find the keywords that interest you.
BeeBEEP is released in multiple versions to meet the needs of as many operating systems as possible.
Installer (beebeep-setup-x.y.z.exe): BeeBEEP will be installed in the programs folder
and the rules in Windows Firewall will be created automatically at the end of the installation.
If Windows will show a notification screen at the time of installation go to
More Info and then click Run Anyway.
Portable ( the portable version of BeeBEEP contains all the application
files in its compressed folder. You can unzip the folder in the place you prefer, for example in the Program Files folder,
in Documents or in your usb key to have it always with you.
For this type of version there are 2 packages, one for Windows XP and the other for the most recent versions
of the Microsoft operating system (Windows 10, 8 and 7).
What should you do when the Windows 10 security message appears?
Double clic on BeeBEEP installer (beebeep-setup-X.Y.Z.exe)...
After clicking on the BeeBEEP installer
Clic on More info ...
After clicking on "More info"
Clic on Run Anyway ...
The BeeBEEP installation program starts successfully.
The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer...
This error is usually caused by the missing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on your Windows.
You can fix the problem through installing the package. Here is two ways for you to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.
Choose any one you prefer (BeeBEEP needs the 32 bit package also if you have 64 bit system):
Install the software via Windows update.
Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 directly from Microsoft website.
Why is a security message shown when you launch BeeBEEP?
BeeBEEP is not a digitally signed application and operating systems like Windows or MacOSX
warn users against using software without a digital signature.
I fully understand their reasons but a digital certificate has a cost per year and you need
one for Microsoft and one for Apple. BeeBEEP is a free software and I wouldn't even have
to pay to distribute it.
So, be careful and download BeeBEEP from trusted sites only.
For the rest, I'm sure you will understand my point of view and you won't mind doing one
or two more clicks to launch BeeBEEP the first time.
Linux and Raspberry
BeeBEEP for Linux is released on this website in the 32 and 64 bit version with an installation
package in the .tar.gz format compiled with Qt 4 libraries or Qt 5.
The version compiled with the Qt 5 libraries contains all the features and in the future it will be the only one to be maintained and developed.
To install the portable package follow the instructions below.
BeeBEEP tar.gz version with Qt 5
Download the new 64-bit or 32-bit version depending on your operating system (in the example I'll use the 64-bit 5.8.4)
from here.
Open the folder where you downloaded the new version and unpack the archive (for example in /usr/local/share/): # sudo tar zxvf beebeep-5.8.4-qt5-amd64.tar.gz /usr/local/share/.
Enable the BeeBEEP executable: # sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/share/beebeep-5.8.4-qt5-amd64/beebeep
Create a link to the executable beebeep (for example in /usr/local/bin/): # sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/beebeep-5.8.4-qt5-amd64/beebeep /usr/local/bin/beebeep
Check BeeBEEP dependencies and install packages if needed.
For Debian like distro as Ubuntu: # sudo apt install libqt5printsupport5 libqt5multimedia5 libqt5multimedia5-plugins libxcb-screensaver0 libavahi-compat-libdnssd1
BeeBEEP tar.gz version with Qt 4
Download the new 64-bit or 32-bit version depending on your operating system (in the example I'll use the 64-bit 5.8.4)
from here.
Open the folder where you downloaded the new version and unpack the archive (for example in /usr/local/share/): # sudo tar zxvf beebeep-5.8.4-qt4-amd64.tar.gz /usr/local/share/.
Enable the BeeBEEP executable: # sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/share/beebeep-5.8.4-qt4-amd64/beebeep
Create a link to the executable beebeep (for example in /usr/local/bin/): # sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/beebeep-5.8.4-qt4-amd64/beebeep /usr/local/bin/beebeep
Check BeeBEEP dependencies and install packages if needed.
For Debian like distro as Ubuntu: # sudo apt install libqt4-dev libqt4-xml libxcb-screensaver0 libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 libphonon4 libhunspell-dev phonon-backend-gstreamer
The new versions of BeeBEEP for linux 64-bit will also have the .deb installation package (tested on Ubuntu 18.04, Mint 19.2, ZorinOS 15).
BeeBEEP will be installed in the folder /usr/lib/beebeep/ and it will search files beebeep.ini, beebeep.dat, and cache folder in
/home/your-account/.local/share/MarcoMastroddiSW/ BeeBEEP/.
Instead, the files with the translations (*.qm) and the BeeBEEP icon will be installed in the folder /usr/share/beebeep/.
If you want to add the configuration file beebeep.rc you must also consider the search order of the folders that BeeBEEP will do at its start:
Usually if you want the preferences to be valid for the whole system I suggest you this path: /etc/beebeep/beebeep.rc
Now, below, here are the instructions to install the package from the command line:
Download the 64-bit package for debian-like systems from SourceForge.
Open the terminal and go to the folder where you downloaded the file.
Install the package: # sudo dpkg -i beebeep_5.8.6_amd64.deb
This version of BeeBEEP needs the Qt 5 libraries to work, so if you didn't install them on your system the command could give you an error.
Don't worry, with the next command you will install all BeeBEEP dependencies: # sudo apt install -f
You can find BeeBEEP in the main menu of your desktop manager in the Office
or Instant messenger section.
On some linux systems you may not hear the classic beep sound.
Check the BeeBEEP log and if you read [WARNING] Sound device is not available
then a dependency was not installed correctly.
You have to manually install the libqt5multimedia5-plugins package and the sound system will start working properly # sudo apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins
BeeBEEP on Snapcraft
You can also find BeeBEEP compiled for your favorite Linux distribution on Snapcraft.
Click on the button below and discover the ease of installation and update that this system makes available to all users.
Installation is very simple for MacOSX. Download the package from the download page and double-click on it.
The system will decompress the installation file and bring up the BeeBEEP icon.
Drag and drop the icon to the "Applications" folder.
To start BeeBEEP for the first time, remember to click on the icon with the CMD button pressed
to tell Apple that you are opening a program that you really want to start.
If you installed BeeBEEP in the Applications folder, start it for the first time from there.
In this way MacOSX will ask for permission for BeeBEEP to receive incoming connections and
access to your microphone (as soon as you try to record a voice message).
Without these permissions, BeeBEEP may not work properly.
If you want to put the BeeBEEP icon in the taskbar, you should first create an alias
to in the applications folder and then drag the alias into the bar.
A little more attention than usual because I have no intention of paying Apple for the distribution of a free application :-)
BeeBEEP for OS/2 is distributed in two modes:
as compressed package that you have to download and manually install; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too;
as RPM package; you can install it using your favorite rpm package manager, that will take care to download and install both the software and its prerequisites.
You can find more information on the ECSoft/2 webpage thanks to Elbert Pol who maintains it.
Estimated reading time:about 1 minute
How to update BeeBEEP to the new version with compressed package (zip or similar).
BeeBEEP is a portable application. The installation package of each new version contains only the application files.
To update just unzip the files directly in the BeeBEEP folder by overwriting the old versions.
The files with preferences and messages will not be affected by the process.
In fact they are saved in separate files called beebeep.ini and beebeep.dat which will not be overwritten
during the update.
Update a Linux version with the Debian package
Download the 64-bit package for Debian and debian-like systems (Ubuntu, Mint, ZorinOS, ...).
Install the package: # sudo dpkg -i beebeep_5.8.2-1_amd64.deb
If you receive an error due to unmet dependencies, run the command: # sudo apt install -f
Update a Linux version installed with snap (Ubuntu)
Locate the path where the BeeBEEP executable is installed: # locate beebeep
(for example /usr/bin/beebeep)
Rename the executable of the old version: # sudo mv /usr/bin/beebeep /usr/bin/beebeep.old
Follow the instructions to install BeeBEEP on Linux.
Create a link to the executable beebeep in the path of the old version: # sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/beebeep-5.6.4-qt4-amd64/beebeep /usr/bin/beebeep
Estimated reading time:about 1 minute
Development version
How to test the new features of BeeBEEP before they are released.
To ensure the release of increasingly stable versions you can help me by downloading
a development version and testing it in your environment.
The procedure is very simple and will allow the stable version and the development version
to coexist on your computer.
Inside the package you will only find the executable file that you will need to copy
inside the folder of a previously installed BeeBEEP.
The file name has the following format: beebeep-X.Y.Z-beta-[release number].zip (for example:
You will almost always recognize the test package from the final version number:
if it is odd it is a development executable, if a stable version is even
(for example, 5.6.3 is a development version that can be installed in the folder of BeeBEEP 5.6.2).
At this point from time to time you can decide whether to use the stable or development
version simply by clicking on the file you wish to launch.
I usually only publish the package for Windows but, upon request, I can also provide
you with the version for your operating system.
When you find bugs or suggestions for new features, please let me know by opening
a ticket on SourceForge or sending me an e-mail directly specifying which test version
you are using (the file release number is important).
New version released The new 5.8.6 version of BeeBEEP has been released. Download it now.
Estimated reading time:about 6 minutes
How to best configure BeeBEEP to find other users in your network.
BeeBEEP is an application characterized above all by its simplicity of use.
In most cases you don't have to configure anything at all: BeeBEEP will do it
for you automatically adapting to your subnet.
So before manually intervening, verify that there is no network problem because
of your firewall (or the firewall of the users you want to connect to) or because
of your router that blocks UDP traffic on port 36475.
Here is a list of the default ports used by BeeBEEP:
36475 (protocol UDP): port used to search and be found by other users in the network.
6475 (protocol TCP): main port used by the BeeBEEP protocol for system communications and to send and receive messages.
6476 (protocol TCP): port used for file transfer.
How does BeeBEEP find other users on the network?
BeeBEEP uses different methods to find other users on the network.
Broadcast address:
a broadcast address is a network address at which all devices connected to a multiple-access
communications network are enabled to receive datagrams. A message sent to a broadcast address
may be received by all network-attached hosts.
BeeBEEP BeeBEEP uses the broadcast addresses provided by your network interfaces
and its default port 36475 to send and receive datagrams.
Multicast address:
a multicast address is a logical identifier for a group of hosts in a computer network that are
available to process datagrams or frames intended to be multicast for a designated network service.
BeeBEEP uses its default multicast address and port 36475 to send and receive datagrams.
If your router is correctly configured to forward traffic to the multicast address and port 36475,
BeeBEEP will also be able to find those users not present in your subnet.
Direct connection:
this option is used when a user is manually added by specifying his IP address and the connection port.
It is practically the resource to use when it is not possible to act on the network parameters specified above.
A network properly configured taking these parameters into account will allow the correct
operations of BeeBEEP without manual configurations.
But as we all know and have experienced in our work, we are not always in a position to change things at will.
For this reason I have included many configuration options in BeeBEEP capable of satisfying every type of network requirement.
How does BeeBEEP recognize users on the network?
BeeBEEP uses different methods to recognize a user on the network.
The default one can be chosen either by setting it in the beebeep.rc file or in the menu Settings -
Users -
Recognize users...:
By nickname (default):
BeeBEEP always considers the nickname of the users to be reliable in order to distinguish them
from each other and a unique code to compare them with those already on the list. UserRecognitionMethod=3 or leave the default value
UserRecognitionMethod=0 in beebeep.rc configuration file.
By account and domain name:
BeeBEEP will use the system account together with the domain name to identify users.
You must use this option only when people in your office authenticate themselves
to computer through a personal username connected to a domain.
For example, in a windows system with active directory, I enter into my computer
with my account NETWORK\marco.mastroddi and BeeBEEP uses it to recognize me. UserRecognitionMethod=1 in beebeep.rc configuration file.
By account name:
Very similar to the previous method with the difference that BeeBEEP will only use the username: marco.mastroddi. UserRecognitionMethod=2 in beebeep.rc configuration file.
Please note that it is good practice to have all the BeeBEEPs in the network configured with the same user recognition method.
Error in user recognition: you cannot see all the users in your network
Check the activity page in the BeeBEEP main window.
BeeBEEP activity page with error.
Connection closed to user X because it uses your account name: Y.
Connection closed to user X because it uses same account name of the already connected user Y: Z.
This error occurs when the option
Settings -
Users -
Recognize users... is set to
by account name or
by account name and domain name
and BeeBEEP is contacted by another on the network using the same name.
The connection is blocked and the user is shown in the list as not connected.
Connection closed to user X because it uses your nickname: Y.
Connection closed to user X because it uses your hash code.
Connection closed to user X because it uses same nickname of the already connected user Y: Z.
Connection closed to user X because it uses same hash code of the already connected user Y: Z.
This error occurs when the option
Settings -
Users -
Recognize users... is set to
by nickname
and BeeBEEP is contacted by another on the network using the same nickname.
The connection is blocked and the user is shown in the list as not connected.
Messages very similar to these can also be found in the BeeBEEP log.
Example #1: my office configuration
Create the beehosts.ini file to configure the network.
Create of the beebeep.rc file for common options.
Install BeeBEEP on every computer in the office.
The offices of my division are on two floors and on two different subnets: and both with a subnet mask
The best way would be to configure the network routers to forward the multicasting traffic
to the address and the 36475 port.
In this way no manual configuration of BeeBEEP would be needed.
Unfortunately, this solution is not feasible due to a series of bureaucratic explanations
that have little to do with information technology.
So to facilitate the configuration of BeeBEEP I decided to create the beehosts.ini configuration file.
It is a simple text file where I wrote the addresses on which BeeBEEP will broadcast to search users.
File content: beehosts.ini
Since in our office we use Active Directory to authenticate and enter computers,
I decided that BeeBEEP should recognize users by using this feature.
I created the file beebeep.rc, another text file where you can enter the
configuration options common to all the BeeBEEPs on the network.
I started from the example file downloadable from
I modified it.
If the value of an option in the beebeep.rc file is a string containing a period, comma or other type of punctuation, you must enclose the string in two quotation marks ".
For example:
PreferredSubnets= ERROR
PreferredSubnets="" OK
PreferredSubnets=, ERROR
PreferredSubnets="," OK
The guide with an explanation of all the options can be found
I chose to use the "UserRecognitionMethod=2" option instead of "UserRecognitionMethod=1"
because in our office we have only one domain for users and therefore it will never be possible
to have equal accounts on different domains.
I forced the "SaveDataInUserApplicationFolder=true" option because I don't want users belonging
to the "administrators" group to put their options in the BeeBEEP folder (it's always good to remember
that BeeBEEP was born as a portable application and will always try to write its data in the folder
where it runs).
I installed BeeBEEP on each computer and in the installation folder I inserted the file beebeep.rc and beehosts.ini.
Example #2: Windows Terminal Server
How to configure BeeBEEP to make it work with multiple user connections to a remote desktop server.
You need to enable the AllowMultipleInstances=true option if multiple instances of BeeBEEP
will be launched on the server with the same account (in this case you can consider also to add
AddNicknameToDataFolder=true to separate the users' settings).
Furthermore, since all users will use a single IP address, it is
necessary to disable the PreventMultipleConnectionsFromSingleHostAddress option also in all
BeeBEEP clients that connect from other computers to the server.
Remember that BeeBEEP must always know whether to command the nickname or the system account.
If you prefer to prioritize nicknames the value of the UserRecognitionMethod option must be 3 instead of 2.
You can install BeeBEEP and in the installation folder (default resource folder) you have to insert the file beebeep.rc.
For more information about resource folder and beebeep.rc file please read the FAQ.
Estimated reading time:about 1 minute
How to filter your user list based on the activities performed together.
There is a substantial difference between the Workgroup and the Group.
Workgroups are essentially names that identify the categories of users
and are used to limit the user list to the only categories you are interested in.
Perhaps with an example the concept will be clearer.
There are more than 100 colleagues in my division. With many of them I don't
have much to do for work and so it would be just inconvenient to have them on my
BeeBEEP user list.
So I decided to create Workgroups or better to name the activities I do:
Software development
I agreed with the other users so that we would use the same names as the activities.
Then we put them in BeeBEEP and precisely in the menu Settings - Network - Your workgroups...
(or in "Settings" - "Users" - "Workgroups" if you have an older BeeBEEP version).
Enable the "Accept connections only from your workgroups" option.
In this way BeeBEEP only accepts users with whom I have an activity in common
and instead of 100 users, I have 24 in the list.
I also added the "Lunch" activity in my Workgroups because I usually go to lunch
also with colleagues working in other things.
BeeBEEP Workgroups dialog (MS Windows).
I also make another more schematic example.
In theory for 6 users it would not make sense to set up this configuration,
but I only do it for illustrative purposes.
There are 3 doctors in a doctor's office.
Every doctor has an assistant who appoints him and distributes his patients.
Every doctor wants only his assistant and the other doctors on the list.
Instead, each assistant wants to list only his referring physician and the other assistants.
I then create the following categories:
Doctor A;
Doctor B;
Doctor C;
Doctor A's Workgroups will be: Doctor A, Doctors.
The Workgroups of Assistant A will be: Doctor A, Assistants.
Doctor B's Workgroups will be: Doctor B, Doctors.
The Workgroups of Assistant B will be: Doctor B, Assistants.
Doctor C's Workgroups will be: Doctor C, Doctors.
The Workgroups of Assistant C will be: Doctor C, Assistants.
With Workgroups you can try every type of configuration possible to best filter
your user list. From experience I have seen that there is no limit to the imagination.
Estimated reading time:about 1 minute
Menu "Main"
This is the main BeeBEEP menu and contains some useful and important elements.
BeeBEEP main menu (MS Windows).
Connect / Disconnect: you can connect to or disconnect from BeeBEEP network.
Search users: you can broadcast or multicast on your network to discover other BeeBEEP users. Normally you will never need to do it because BeeBEEP does it automatically for you.
Edit your profile: change all the information, colors and photos of your profile.
Open your resource folder: it is usually the folder where BeeBEEP is installed. It can contain the configuration file "beebeep.rc".
If the resource folder and the data folder are the same, only the data one will be displayed in the menu.
Open your data folder: contains BeeBEEP data such as the "beebeep.ini" preferences file, the "beebeep.dat" file where conversations are stored and the "" file where unsent messages are saved.
Open your download folder: the folder where the files downloaded with BeeBEEP will be saved.
Test your network: a very useful tool to check that other network users do not have the communication ports blocked (for example from the firewall).
Show the BeeBEEP log: in the log you can find useful information to understand what is not working in your BeeBEEP installation.
Plugins: here you can manage all installed BeeBEEP plugins.
Quit: close and exit BeeBEEP.
Estimated reading time:less than 1 minute
How to create a conversation with multiple connected people.
If you have not already done so, please read the section on Workgroups
to understand the difference between Groups and Workgroups.
The functioning of the groups is very similar to that of other messaging software.
The only difference is that there is no server that manages them.
Each group will continue to exist until there is at least one BeeBEEP
in the network that has it in group list or has saved it in preferences file (beebeep.ini).
Estimated reading time:less than 1 minute
Spell checking
How to enable spell checking in BeeBEEP chats.
Starting with version 3.0.3, you can enable spell checking on BeeBEEP.
It is necessary to have a dictionary compatible with the Hunspell library (for example those distributed with LibreOffice).
You can follow these steps to install a dictionary in BeeBEEP:
Search your language dictionary and download it from LibreOffice extension website.
For example you can click here to see English dictionary.
Unzip the file.oxt in your preferred folder (yes the extension is oxt, but it is simply a zip package).
Open BeeBEEP and click on menu Settings - Chat - Select dictionary...
Search the file.dic in the .oxt unzipped folder and select it (Hunspell needs file.dic and file.aff in the same folder).
Please note that BeeBEEP enables the automatic correction option as default. If you also want to enable the suggestions,
you must activate the dictionary icon next to the spell-checking icon in the chat window.
Estimated reading time:about 1 minute
Support request
How to open a ticket for support on BeeBEEP.
The best way to get personalized assistance is to open a ticket on SourceForge.
Before doing so, however, it is good to keep some things in mind.
BeeBEEP works on different operating systems and has hundreds of options.
So try to be as precise as possible and provide me with as much information as you can.
Always check the BeeBEEP log in the menu
Main -
Show the BeeBEEP log...
because many times the solution is right there.
When you open a ticket, remember to specify:
your operating system;
the BeeBEEP version;
the options you have activated that may relate to the topic you ask for assistance;
in case of a bug, describe how I can try to replicate it.
Also consider the possibility of sending me the log via e-mail (better not to publish it
on SourceForge for privacy reasons).
And finally, try to have a minimum of patience and you will soon receive an answer.
I've solved hundreds of cases, you'll see I will solve yours too.
Help and support resources from SourceForge.
For feature request or bugs please create a ticket.
For help or information please visit also closed tickets.
For support on beebeep.ini or beebeep.rc files (the settings of the application) download the help or visit the FAQ.