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I problemi conosciuti di BeeBEEP

Le soluzioni ai problemi conosciuti delle varie versioni di BeeBEEP.
Mi dispiace, ma per mancanza di tempo, alcune di queste risorse potrebbero essere solamente in lingua Inglese.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/06/2023

BeeBEEP 5.8.2 does not send offline messages when it wakes up from sleep mode.

Offline messages are sent only if BeeBEEP will be closed (quit before sleep).

FIXED. The bug has been fixed since BeeBEEP 5.8.3 beta version.

[Back to the known issues]

BeeBEEP prevents the CTRL+ALT+B (or CMD+ALT+B on MacOSX) key sequence in other applications from working.

There is a problem in registering key sequences in BeeBEEP even if the option to use it is disabled.
To get around this, just go to the Options - Interface - Shortcuts... menu and change the "Global" key sequence by clicking on "Show all chats".
Restart BeeBEEP to ensure that the change is applied to the system.

FIXED. The bug has been fixed since BeeBEEP 5.8.3 beta version.

[Back to the known issues]

BeeBEEP 5.7.x shows an error when I try to record a voice message.
[WARNING] defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.audiosource"

This happens because a folder called "mediaservice" is missing in the package. Download the new development version 5.7.5 and inside the package you will find the missing folder.
Copy it to the BeeBEEP installation folder and the error will disappear.

FIXED. From version 5.8 of BeeBEEP the folder will be integrated into the installation package.

[Back to the known issues]

BeeBEEP 5.6.8 cannot send screenshots due to missing cache folder.

The cache folder is not automatically created when a screenshot is sent and BeeBEEP shows an error.
The problem does not occur if the user has already received any other image in a chat.
You can fix this issue by following these steps:

  • In the BeeBEEP top bar clic on the menu Main - Open your data folder.
  • Create a new folder called cache inside your data folder.

FIXED. The bug has been fixed since BeeBEEP 5.8 version.

[Back to the known issues]

Ciao, sono BeeBEEP, l’applicazione di messaggistica gratuita per uffici che da 14 anni aiuta le persone come te a mantenere al sicuro e privati i propri messaggi.

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